Twenty4 Marketing Communications & Printing

Fanpage Branding. Facebook pages that work

On the other hand, beside top-level cases history, we see a large quantity of nice fanpages… which never gain the visibility that they deserve!

Most of the times, the cause is any lack on the page management side. A brief check-up can be easily done, because ingredients of a successful Facebook marketing are just a few and very simple.

Here you are a checklist, where you can pass through to “empower” your brand’s strenght on the web.

1. Do you know who you’re talking to?

One of the most common mistakes is to assume that people “on the other side” is exactly like you. There is a big difference, instead: you’re the seller, they’re potential buyers. Perspectives are different and expectations are often opposite. Try to think if the way you’re presenting your content is a way that people using social network