Twenty4 Marketing Communications & Printing

From branding to sales. How to use Social Media?

This is the big difference in using Social Media at a personal or at a business level! When time is money, it’s evident that all the resources spent in growing and managing a social network need to be financially rewarded on the medium and long term.

Social Media for business are not meant to “make friends” but to “engage customers”. And this is the big challenge. Researches highlight that, on the average, less than the 1% of sale convertions happen directly on social network websites.

It means that, while the web panorama is evolving day by day, some milestones don’t change. The major point of sales conversion is the ecommerce or the website of a company. The main point of access to a company’s website is in many cases a corporate blog.

So, where do Social Media take place in the sales process? What is their role? Let’s try to explain, in 5 simple steps, how to generate sales using Internet.