But… attention! A landing page is not an alternative to a good website and to a regular social network activity. It is a component of a well balanced web-marketing package, which will give great results if used in a proper way.
Here you are some tips to help you to understand if your Company’s sales could benefit from the use of landing pages.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is a small website (ideally no more than 1-3 pages) completely focused on a single product or service, aiming to increase sales. It usually has simple but eye-catching graphics, few targeted information, some pictures or a video presentation, visible recalls to social media profiles and a form to capture leads or generate conversions.
Why landing pages can be very effective?
Landing pages are like a window where a good products “speaks itself”. No space for useless information and distracting elements, everything is focused around the chances that a potential client clicks on the “Buy” button… with no need of being pushed to the purchase!
What are common mistakes in landing pages?
The most common mistake is using too many words to explain a poor product. Or to shout “Buy me!” too loud, because the pictures are not enough. Adding a landing page aside a website is worthing when you have a standing-out product or a service with huge potential… otherwise, better to include it just in your catalogue.
How to generate visits to and conversions from a landing pages?
Because the topic of a landing page is usually very specific, a light SEO adjustment will guarantee some visibility to your product. Next to this, integration with all the other marketing tools online (such as banners, contextual adverts and newsletters) and offline (such as displaying links and QR codes on flyers, brochures and packages) will maximize their effectiveness.
How to monitor results?
Monitoring the effectiveness of landing pages is simple. Next to a normal statistics platform, thanks to the presence of elements to capture leads it will be possible to get also a very precise profile of the target interested in your product or service.